Ena foten utanför
Torsdagen på Malmöfestivalen. Sarah, Sanna David och Jag ville se Oskar Linnros, vi käkade langos och brändamandlar, satt i öltältet och hade det trevligt. Fick lite hjärtklapp och sen åkte vi hem.
Nu ska jag fortsätta med min söndagssyssla. Sova.
Där ute finns en värld av långa nätter
Jag tror jag måste inta sängen snart. Min kropp är trött och det känns som om hela jag ska gå itu så skör jag är. Ni vet när infektionen i kroppen sätter sig i alla leder och gör ont. Ack... stackars mig.
Lite Melissa Horn och Linnros, sen ska jag nog bli frisk!
Vill ni veta något hemskt? Det är höst.
När jag kör till jobbet halv sex, är det mörkt!
Nyss var det soligt, varmt och härligt.
Jag är ju inte redo för kallt än. Jag har knappt hunnit med sommaren. Ge oss fina höstdagar!
Lite Melissa Horn och Linnros, sen ska jag nog bli frisk!
Vill ni veta något hemskt? Det är höst.
När jag kör till jobbet halv sex, är det mörkt!
Nyss var det soligt, varmt och härligt.
Jag är ju inte redo för kallt än. Jag har knappt hunnit med sommaren. Ge oss fina höstdagar!
Ta min hand, jag följer dig, vi ska åt samma håll
Igår var det Melissa Horn och Lars Winnerbäck på malmöfestivalen, två underbara konserter. Idag är jag så hes att orden knappt når fram. Lyckad fin kväll. Absolut! I lördags var det Maskinen och Familjen, Jonathan Johansson(lite) och shout out louds(litelite). Det blev mycket öltält, mycket stöta ihop med folk jag lärde känna för längesen, men inte träffat på länge. Sen utgång och tillsist en fin kycklingtallrik.
Bra helg eller vad?
Bra helg eller vad?
Vi två, hejdå
Fuck off, du dog
Men inga tårar på min kind
Fuck off, du dog
Men inga tårar på min kind
Where are you my dearest friend ?
Jag saknar faktiskt honom, mina fina vän. Har du sett honom?
Hello confusion!
Skum dag idag. Jag känner mig upprör och arg, förvirrad och allmänt konstig. Allting känns tråkigt och jag vill nog helst bara gräva ner mig. Dessutom har nog min hjärna slutat att fungera helt och hållet. Innan när jag lagade mat tänkte jag sätta in matlagningsverktyg (som decilitermått) i kylen, kastullocket i kryddhyllan, medan jag höll saltet i andra handen. Jises.
Brunögd dimma.
Vilken helg, för en gångs skull har den känts lång men samtidigt vääldigt händelserik. Det har varit avskedsfest, kräftskiva/utgång och höllviken häng, med grillning och tv-spel. Idag har jag varit ledig och jag har varit en snabbis med Nathalie, gått en lång promenad i min favoritskog, gjort negerbollar och tittat på Satc. Snart ska jag in i duschen. Imorgon blir det jobb. Kanon helg eller vad?
Förövrigt hade jag mina bruna linser hela lördagen, dimmigt, jadå. Fint? Jadå!
Glad tjej.
Hälsa från ditt ex, låt mig bli ditt ex
Bruna linserna har kommit, synd bara att jag har så jäkla svårt att få in skiten. Fast jag är en äkta blåöga, det ser mer rätt ut då.
true colors
Igår gjorde jag och sandra ett inpulsköp, vi klickade hem varsitt par färgade linser, jag bruna, hon blåa. Så vi byter ögonfärg littegran! Dock har dom inte kommit än, så bilden är photoshopad, men jag väntar ivrigt på att de ska dimpa ner i brevlådan!
I wanna boom bang bang with your body
Igår var naaajs! Äntligen har man kommit hem efter en slödag med olle, sovande/filmtittande och glassätande. Vi såg bröllopsfotografen med vissa luckor, samt Alice in wonderland där jag såg början och slutet. Bra jobbat! Nu ska jag faktiskt sova, är urtrött och utfestad!
Never mind that you were my first lover. Never mind that once, you
held my heart in your hand. Never mind that you have discovered all of
me, my every flaw and freckle.
- G,
En snutt från le love. Jag kan inte sluta läsa!
Igår lärde jag mig något nytt. Jag hatar att duscha och tycker att det är tråkigast i hela världen men det är hemskt mycket roligare att dela dusch med en tjej som snart är fyra. Det händer liksom saker hela tiden. Och man tänker inte riktgit på att man duschar när man plötsligt är klar. Undertiden där har man hunnit vattna "blommorna" (shampoo och balsamflaskorna), torka bort vatten från ögon osv.
Nu, sex and the city, och vila, för imorgon blir det en lååång jobbdag :)
Le love
Open ended boy
I sometimes feel like I'm such a walking cliché. Being a commitment phobic doesn't make me seem edgy, more different or more complex. It's a fact, one I have had doubts about, but has just been called out on by my best friend tonight. He told me that he's getting concerned about how I seem to be falling into an easy habit of making out with everything that moves when I'm a bit drunk. As a girl who has just finished her first year of university, that's probably normal, but after he said that, I have realised it has become a lifestyle, one that is kind of hard to break.
I believe in amazing love songs, cry at the sappiest ending in films, write about relationships as a creative outlet...I want to be a writer when I'm older. These signs point to 'romantic', so why then, do I not let myself believe and fall all the way in?
I have fallen before, let my guard down, with a slightly emotionally unavailable guy I met in the dorms, I have fallen before, for someone who was bad for me, and I have tried to fall for someone who was nice, who was constant, but I ended up running anyway. I have recently fallen again, for a guy who lives halfway across the world, one who I may not see again for a few years. Half of his family lives in the same city as me, and the other half lives across the ocean.
We've known each other since we were thirteen, and we keep re connecting different parts of 'us' (if I can even call it that), whenever we can. Email, facebook, face to face. As time goes on and we try less and less, it becomes a shock to finally meet again, and to learn how much we have both changed, both physically and emotionally, and how comforting it is to realise that we're the same kids we've always been.
So from then we begin a two day commitment. Dinner, drinks, lunch, movie, phone calls, texts and skype sessions. We kissed for the first time, and he kisses just like I hoped and wanted him to, and somewhere along the line, the commitment phobic began to give pieces of herself she never really did.
At the movies, we just kissed, and held hands, and when I put my head on his strong shoulders, I felt safe, I felt stable. I felt like the feeling didn't send me running in the opposite direction. I have let my guards down before, but this time, it felt promising, instead of unstable. I don't really want to know what that could mean. How could a commitment phobic fall so fast in two days?
The night he left for the airport, we skyped for three hours and I ended up sleeping in the whole day afterwards, but I didn't care. I told him about my fear of vulnerability, of sensitivity, and he took it. He said it was normal, and during the conversation I kept telling myself to pull away, to not get too attached because I don't know when he'll be back again. He said it could be a few years; stupid colleges and sports.
I don't like commitment, I get scared of giving someone parts of me that they could break. I don't like admitting to feelings, even though I have a lot of them. So while I'm smiling at the fact that this could be left open ended, I am telling myself that there's no way we'll maintain this skype-facebook flirtation for long. I am an optimist for life but a terrible cynic for love.
I know that he'll be at the back of my mind for a while, so while I do my 'single girl' thing, maybe there'll be a fraction of me that would feel like I'm cheating on someone who is halfway across the world.
I might just allow myself to fall someday, if not with him, then someone else. But him, my 'open ended boy', has taught me, in the span of two days, that maybe falling (if not cautiously) may not be such a terrible thing to endure.
En underbar blogg om kärlek, där folk får skriva in sina historier. Är det inte fint?
Klicka här!
I sometimes feel like I'm such a walking cliché. Being a commitment phobic doesn't make me seem edgy, more different or more complex. It's a fact, one I have had doubts about, but has just been called out on by my best friend tonight. He told me that he's getting concerned about how I seem to be falling into an easy habit of making out with everything that moves when I'm a bit drunk. As a girl who has just finished her first year of university, that's probably normal, but after he said that, I have realised it has become a lifestyle, one that is kind of hard to break.
I believe in amazing love songs, cry at the sappiest ending in films, write about relationships as a creative outlet...I want to be a writer when I'm older. These signs point to 'romantic', so why then, do I not let myself believe and fall all the way in?
I have fallen before, let my guard down, with a slightly emotionally unavailable guy I met in the dorms, I have fallen before, for someone who was bad for me, and I have tried to fall for someone who was nice, who was constant, but I ended up running anyway. I have recently fallen again, for a guy who lives halfway across the world, one who I may not see again for a few years. Half of his family lives in the same city as me, and the other half lives across the ocean.
We've known each other since we were thirteen, and we keep re connecting different parts of 'us' (if I can even call it that), whenever we can. Email, facebook, face to face. As time goes on and we try less and less, it becomes a shock to finally meet again, and to learn how much we have both changed, both physically and emotionally, and how comforting it is to realise that we're the same kids we've always been.
So from then we begin a two day commitment. Dinner, drinks, lunch, movie, phone calls, texts and skype sessions. We kissed for the first time, and he kisses just like I hoped and wanted him to, and somewhere along the line, the commitment phobic began to give pieces of herself she never really did.
At the movies, we just kissed, and held hands, and when I put my head on his strong shoulders, I felt safe, I felt stable. I felt like the feeling didn't send me running in the opposite direction. I have let my guards down before, but this time, it felt promising, instead of unstable. I don't really want to know what that could mean. How could a commitment phobic fall so fast in two days?
The night he left for the airport, we skyped for three hours and I ended up sleeping in the whole day afterwards, but I didn't care. I told him about my fear of vulnerability, of sensitivity, and he took it. He said it was normal, and during the conversation I kept telling myself to pull away, to not get too attached because I don't know when he'll be back again. He said it could be a few years; stupid colleges and sports.
I don't like commitment, I get scared of giving someone parts of me that they could break. I don't like admitting to feelings, even though I have a lot of them. So while I'm smiling at the fact that this could be left open ended, I am telling myself that there's no way we'll maintain this skype-facebook flirtation for long. I am an optimist for life but a terrible cynic for love.
I know that he'll be at the back of my mind for a while, so while I do my 'single girl' thing, maybe there'll be a fraction of me that would feel like I'm cheating on someone who is halfway across the world.
I might just allow myself to fall someday, if not with him, then someone else. But him, my 'open ended boy', has taught me, in the span of two days, that maybe falling (if not cautiously) may not be such a terrible thing to endure.
En underbar blogg om kärlek, där folk får skriva in sina historier. Är det inte fint?
Klicka här!
which drink are you?
(på skämt)
Jag var nykter, och vågade därför ha med min kära nikon. Det var faktiskt hemskt kul att bara gå runt att fota, och se dimman från andra ögon. På hemvägen blev det 9 Mcnuggets och sen sov jag fantastiskt gott. Tumme upp för att man kunde köra hem, slippa bussar och sånt strunt.